Sport Partner Delivery Resources

2020-12-29 04:20:55
A multi-ethnic group of elementary age children are sitting on a gym floor indoors, each are holding a sports ball, and they are smiling and looking up at the camera.

Special Olympics Australia has partnered with national sporting organisations to deliver adapted versions of Sporting Schools products to students with an intellectual disability and/or autism.

A range of delivery resources has been developed to increase the skills of coaches to provide a variety of fun, highly engaging programs, during which students can learn at their own pace and develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to be active for life.

The delivery resources can be found in the Inclusive Sport Academy and include:

  • A Visual Story to send teachers to read with their students before the program starts, helping them become familiar with the planned program and to understand the required behaviours.
  • A Visual Schedule to show students the sequence of activities that will occur during a session, allowing them to develop confidence and participate more independently.
  • A set of Communication Cards to assist coach communication with individual students, allowing them to interact with people and their surroundings, as well as make choices and express needs.
  • A Class Profile to send teachers to complete before the program starts, providing coaches a snapshot of the educational support needs of each class before sessions begin.
  • A Video Series comprising 5 educational videos for coaches, each with a unique focus area, that provide support and the information required to assist with delivering Inclusive Sport in Schools programs.