
2020-12-29 04:13:42

Our aim is for students to be more active, more often. Inclusive Sport in Schools provides a variety of sport and physical activity programs to suit the needs of all students. Becoming involved takes a few simple steps:

  1. Explore the programs available and decide what caters best to the needs of your school.
  2. Read the Program Parameters to understand the requirements of schools and coaches.
  3. Decide who you want to deliver the program.  Delivery can be internally by a teacher at your school (Teacher Coach), or externally by a coach who comes into the school (Community Coach).
  4. Program costs will vary based on program selection, delivery types, and the state or jurisdiction in which delivery is to occur.
  5. Complete a Program Request Form via our BOOK NOW button so our Schools team can get in touch to discuss your request and organise the final program details.
  6. Consider signing up as one of our Champion Schools to show your commitment to Inclusive Sport and to receive a range of benefits for your school.

Champion Schools

Becoming a Champion School shows a commitment to developing the physical literacy of students through increased participation in sport and physical activity.

Our Champion School Framework outlines the level of involvement and the benefits on offer to your school community. Click here to open and download our Champion Schools Framework. 

Sign up to become a Champion School today!